السبت، 7 يناير 2017

Syrian Refugees (خدمات اللاجئين السوريين في كندا)

هذا المشروع هو التوسع في البرنامج الوطني لتقديم مجموعة من خدمات إدارة القضية الى المنظمات الحكومية المهتمة بمساعدة اللاجئين ورعايتهم. ويقدم الدعم المستمر للأسر اللاجئين من خلال توفير تقييم الاحتياجات وتخطيط الخدمات، والإحالات، والروابط، والمتابعة والتنسيق... خدمة لمدة 12 شهرا بعد
شركاء لتسهيل الوصول إلى الخدمات المتخصصة، بما في ذلك إدارة الصحة العقلية، ودعم الأبوة والأمومة، والبرمجة المدرسية لدعم النجاح الأكاديمي.

Refugee Settlement and Integration
The project is the expansion of the NSP program to provide a range of case management services to government assisted and privately sponsored refugees. It offers ongoing support to refugee families by providing needs assessments, service planning, referrals, linkages, follow-up and service coordination for 12 months after arrival to ensure that their needs are met. The project works with partners to facilitate access to specialized services, including mental health case management, parenting supports, and school-based programming to support academic success. Project activities:
  • Outreach 
  • Direct service including needs assessments and service planning, information and orientation, assistance with settlement-related issues, supportive counselling, referrals and service linking, service coordination, group sessions and support groups 
  • Engagement of partners to address needs
Eligibility criteria: Privately sponsored and government assisted resettled refugees.
Funding source: Province of Ontario, Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and  Citizenship and Canada; No fees are charged from clients for services provided. 

Resettlement Assistance Program- RAP 
Peel-Halton Integrated Services Reception Centre (Reception Centre) was opened in Mississauga in May 2016 and accepted a first wave of resettled refugees in September 2016. 
Reception Centre is designed to provide immediate and essential services for resettled refugees during the initial period after the refugee family’s arrival in Canada, with the focus of equipping them with accommodation and daily necessities, knowledge, skills and abilities as well as connections with the broader community to live safely and independently. 
Project includes: 
  • Providing temporary accommodation for refugees during the first 2-3 weeks of arrival 
  • Providing housing assistance for finding, securing and moving into appropriate permanent accommodations 
  • Identifying resettlement needs, developing an action plan and connecting to the local community through facilitated referrals where local service providers visit the centre regularly to establish personal contact with the client or family, register clients in programs and deliver presentation sessions 
  • Information on income support and financial responsibilities 
  • Links to federal and provincial programs (e.g., social insurance number, permanent resident card, Canada Child Benefit, Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP), provincial health care, school registration) 
  • Providing structural information and orientation group sessions including Orientation to Ontario 
  • Providing weekly one-on-one and family counselling sessions to review action plan and that achievements are up to date, conduct solution focused counselling, provide clarification on misunderstood topics and conduct referrals and advocacy      


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